Saturday, December 11, 2010

Extinction Date for Tigers.

It looks as though Russia is putting forth a lot of effort in saving the Tiger. There was a meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia where officials from the 13 countries where tigers still live agreed to a program to help save this gorgeous animal. Leonardo DiCaprio also flew in and donated one million dollars of his own money to the World Wildlife Fund.

The  officials are trying to start a program to put an end to the poaching of tigers and to protect their habitat. This is going to be some feat since some countries that  these big cats inhabit are impoverished, such as Laos and Bangladesh. These nations will need some outside donations to assist with their efforts in the preservation of the tigers.

The 13 countries, including Russia, have agreed to double the tiger population by the year 2022. I hope that this will happen, and hopefully more than double. I love big cats, and I don't want to see these beautiful animals become extinct.

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