Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ukraine to open Chernobyl in 2011

The Ukraine plans to open up the sealed area around the Chernobyl reactor to visitors in 2011.

The Number 4 reactor exploded on April 26, 1986 spewing radiation over a large portion of Northern Europe. The "Exclusion Zone," an incredibly contaminated area within a 30 mile radius of the exploded reactor was evacuated and sealed off in the aftermath of the explosion.  This area is/was closed off to visitors.

The Emergency Situations Ministry spokeswoman Yulia Yershova said that there are experts trying to devise travel routes that are both medically safe as well as informative. She states that there are plenty of things to see as long as the individual follows the designated route.

I can't imagine anybody actually wanting to visit this site, knowing full well the dangers (Medically speaking) associated with this area. I know some of the people who lived there when the explosion occurred have since moved back into their homes regardless of the government's ban or the high risk of radiation poisoning. In my opinion, this is a terrible idea.

All information was gathered from: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20101213/ap_on_sc/eu_ukraine_chernobyl_tourism

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